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EOY Retrospective

It’s December, so we thought we would share a holiday themed retro template that we made last year. Whether you are midway through a project, or looking to reflect on your year, a retrospective is an important part of team learning. While there are many ways of performing a retro, we’ve found that doing it in a fun way can help open up honest conversations.

We present the ‘EOY Retrospective’. We’re not sure who originally came up with this idea, but we’ve got our own twist on it — complete with a Home Alone reference!

Using Whimsical we help clients think through what went well and what’s on the horizon with their projects. Click here to access our EOY template that you can make a copy of to use in with your own team.

Target group: project team

Time: 20 – 30 minutes

Material: Whimsical template

Goals: define what has gone well and could be improved

The thing to remember about this process is that the way that you carry out the planning using this canvas is as important as the outcome. Be as inclusive as possible

With that in mind, let’s identify the main areas of the template:

  • PERFECT HOLIDAY VILLAGE — what’s your destination? where are you headed? what does success look like for the project or team?
  • REINDEER — what’s pulling the project or team along? what’s gone, or is going well? what kind of support are you getting?
  • THE GRINCH — what’s dragging you down that no-one is talking about? what’s slowing down the progress of the project or team? which burdens need to be addressed?
  • STAR — what acts like starlight for the project or team? what kind of recognition have you received? what is making you feel good?
  • BURGLARS — what’s lurking in the shadows? what’s an upcoming threat to the project or team that you need to keep an eye on?

Some of these can feel quite similar. For example, the difference between REINDEER and STAR in this retro and the difference between BURGLARS and THE GRINCH. If it helps, consider REINDEER to be things internal to the project or team and STAR to be things external to it. Also, THE GRINCH is about current problems, and BURGLARS is to do with future problems for the project or team.

To use this template, do the following:

  1. Create your own copy of the template and invite all members of your team to edit.
  2. Ensure that everyone knows how to use Jamboard by going through the basic controls.
  3. Spend some time ‘silent Jamboarding’ where everyone can place as many sticky notes on the template as they wish.
  4. When the rate of new sticky notes slows, give everyone 30 seconds longer.
  5. Talk about what you’ve all added to the template. Go round each person asking what they notice or would like to call attention to.

Once you’ve done all of this, it’s up to you what to do next. You could talk with the team about next steps — e.g. ‘mitigating actions’ for the GRINCH stickies, or ‘preventative measures’ for the BURGLARS stickies. But don’t forget to talk as much about what is going well as what isn’t. One way to do this is to add ‘what works’ to a wiki-based handbook for new members who join the team.

Click here to access the End of Year retrospective template for Whimsical
