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Open Badges are web-native ways of recognising achievement and pro-social behaviours. They are transforming how we recognise and validate skills and achievements in our increasingly connected world. Whether you’re an educator, employer, or learner, we can provide valuable insights into the rapidly expanding field of digital credentialing.

đź‘€ See our most recent badges posts and get started right away with our helpful Compendium of Credentialing!

The full list of (public) badges currently issued by WAO can be found on our issuer page. We are very active in the space and invite you to join the ORE community to learn more about badges in our community of practice.

How can Open Badges add value?

  • Provide recognition – Recognise people who are engaging in learning and development of skills. A badge would provide verifiable and shareable recognition of an individual’s learning and skills.
  • Aid skills search and identify skills gaps – Badge portfolios provide an easily searchable directory of organisational skills, making it easy to identify people with relevant skills for new projects or skills gaps.
  • Motivate engagement – Open badges make it easy for a badge earner to demonstrate their skills and values. Badges awarded to recognise the work of contributors increase the value contributors gain motivate engagement.
  • Provide pathways to further engagement – Badges can be connected to form pathways and signpost routes to further opportunities for supporting you project or organisation.
  • Marketing – Badges can be shared across the web and recipients are often proud to share their achievement. Badges can be branded and link back to the issuing organisation.

What is We Are Open’s experience?

Members of We Are Open are authorities in the open badging space, and led much of the work to develop the Open Badges standard with Mozilla. We have worked with governments, the major badge platform providers, numerous universities, awarding bodies, cities, and development organisations to develop badging systems that promote engagement, motivate learning, and showcase skills.

Badge Wiki is a knowledge repository for the Open Badges community. It is stewarded by WAO and made possible through the support of Participate and the Open Recognition Alliance.

Do you issue badges?

Yep! You can earn badges for engagement in:

Can you help me/us?

Probably! Why not get in touch?
