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Persona Mapping

There are lots of different sorts of audiences and often, an organisation’s target audience is actually several different audiences. The Audience Ikigai helps you prioritise and target communications for your audiences.

Strategic Starfish

The “Starfish Retrospective” is a model for reflection that has been around on the Internet since the before times. None of them, however, are quite so beautiful as the Starfish WAO member Bryan Mathers drew. This technique allows you to reflect (and plan!) in various degrees of nuance.

Audience Ikigai

There are lots of different sorts of audiences and often, an organisation’s target audience is actually several different audiences. The Audience Ikigai helps you prioritise and target communications for your audiences.

Opportunity Prioritisation

Every organisation has other organisations that it works with — whether as clients or partners. But how do you know whether the opportunities they bring are worth spending your time and resources on? That’s where this prioritisation matrix comes in!

Eisenhower Matrix

Dwight D. Eisenhower was not only a five-star general in the US Army during WWII, but subsequently served two terms as 34th President of the United States. He was a man who knew time pressure!

Must, Should, Could

Prioritisation is hard. Thankfully, there are lots of simple ways of thinking through how important something is to the next version of a product or service. One of these ways is the MoSCoW method.

Traffic light categorisation

Getting feedback, whether through user interviews, surveys, or some other means is an integral part of developing good products. But how do you make sense of the jumble of comments, quotations, and insights?

Stakeholder mapping

One of the hardest things to do on any project is to keep everyone happy. A useful way to map this at the start of the project was shown to us by Daniel Mosforth from Bay Digital. We’ve adapted his in-person approach for a digital setting.
